APFD&SC Sponsorship Opportunities
Atlantic Titanium Sponsorship - $ 4,500.00 plus tax
- Delegate Registration Information handed out in portfolio with your logo
- Two full page advertisements in Convention Program
- Logo on signage at Registration Desk
- Up to four full Registrations
Atlantic Platinum Sponsorship - $ 3,000.00 plus tax
- 3/4 page advertisement in Convention Program
- Logo on signage at Registration Desk
- Up to two full Registrations
Atlantic Gold Sponsorship - $ 1,500.00 plus tax
- 1/2 page advertisement in Convention Program
- Logo on signage at Registration Desk
- 25% off one Registration (Sold Separately)
Atlantic Silver Sponsorship - $ 850.00 plus tax
- 1/3 page advertisement in Convention Program
- Logo on signage at Registration Desk
- 15% off one Registration (Sold Separately)
Atlantic Bronze Sponsorship - $ 450.00 plus tax
- 1/4 page advertisement in Convention Program
- Logo on signage at Registration Desk
- Delegate Registration sold separately
Once payment is received for sponsorships,
advertising dimensions and specs will be given.
Deadline for submitting advertisements is September 20, 2024
Dear Potential Sponsor:
Once again, plans are being made for the annual Atlantic Provinces Funeral Directors & Service Convention. This year, our 70 th Annual Convention, is being held from October 3-5, at The Holman Grand Hotel in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
The APFD&SC will attract funeral directors, embalmers, guest speakers and suppliers from New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Ontario, USA and beyond.
Your support in the past has been greatly appreciated. Without your generous support, our Convention would not be as successful as it has been. We know that your company is asked regularly for support of many different things and we hope that you will show your support of our Convention and attend if possible. There are many sponsorship opportunities for your consideration. Our Convention is a time for funeral professionals to gather and interact, share and learn.
Please review the sponsorship opportunities available and email ( apfdsc@gmail.com ) or fax (902-897-1098) your completed form to me.
If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me.
*Dimensions for Banner Ads on Convention Website are 1000px by 250px <200dpi>
Preferred format is <png> If you wish to design your own,
please follow these specs and e-mail to us.